Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Evaluation task 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In our opening title we can see about 6 teenagers. They are all from the same age groups 16-20, probably the same socioeconomic group as they are hanging around together, have the same interests and wear the same type clothes.
The main character is working in the studio and the fact that he is working there for a period of time and it is set up for his tastes by posters, means that it is probably his, so his family is middle class or higher. 
We also can see some shots with alcohol and drugs, which gives an idea that they have extra money to spent on it. The fact that they probably under 18 and this is there parent's money shows that their relatives don't really care about where the money are spent. 
The posters on the wall show us the interests of the characters. It is clear that they are into the music Hip-hop and Rap, video games like GTA and cartoons like "Rick and Morty".
Their clothes is baggy and messy which shows that they are not flashy and trying to look like their idols.

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