Sunday 14 January 2018

Evaluation Task 3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

 What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Throughout this year we showed our ideas in order to receive a feedback and improve our work.

At the beginning of September, we pitched our initial ideas of a music video to the class. Here is a blog that I have made back then. To present my ideas I used my blog posts as I already described my ideas there and found appropriate pictures to support my description. Here are the blogs that I used for the FIRST and the SECOND pitch. To record a feedback from my class I used my phone to film everything. Here is that video:
Here are the main points that were made:
This pitch allowed me to hear the opinion on the ideas that I thought was really good, it showed me a different perspective on it and that there are many things that can be done in order to improve them. It also showed that my second idea is stronger than the first one and therefore it is better to develop the second idea.
For the development, I rewatched the video I took and added more details to it. I also included some ideas of my classmate like have an ending which will clear out all the timelines. Here is a post on how I developed my idea.

The second time we needed a feedback was when we were divided into groups and put together our idea. To make this pitch we have done a Prezi:
Outline of the elements from the pitch;

 Set Design:

 Make up:

Here is a feedback post where I noted everything that was said about our pitch and here the key points on that feedback and notes that were made in order to remember everything that was said:

This feedback was also very important as we started to realise in what direction we are moving and what our product will look like. The audience we were pitching our idea also gave us some pieces of advice on how we can make our video more interesting and what we can do for the third element. 

Here are the goals that I have set myself for the development:
In order to improve our idea we divided tasks between members of our group to work on them:
And here is the achievement of that targets (1, 2) which then helped the development of our idea:

A few days later, I came up with the development of our idea which was made on the basis of that feedback.

The next time we received a feedback was when we pitched our idea to set designers. We needed to decide on all the props of our elements and understand how realistic our idea is. For the talk with designers, I prepared this drawing which helped to show what do we need for our set:
Here is a post that I have made about the feedback:
This feedback also was very useful as we started to understand how our set would look like and moved from abstract pictures that we had. On this pitch, we also got the idea of our third element as till that moment we were thinking that we are going to use a bed, not sheets hanging from the ceiling.

Then we started to think about other products that we had to make. Each member of our group prepared a version of digipak that can be made for our marketing campaign. Here is my digipak version which I showed to my group in order to get a feedback:
And here is a feedback post from my group.

This group discussion helped to realise what do we what to make for our final digipak. We liked the idea of showing artist's face on the front cover and hands on the inside left. These elements can be still seen in our final version.  
Here is a post on our decision making after receiving feedback from other members of our group:

The last but not least was the feedback from the focus group on our products. We showed our final cut of the music video and drafts of the other products. Here is a video of the feedback that we got:

Here is my post on that feedback and here are the main points and some statistics:

This feedback helped us to realise what needed to be changed in our digipak. Here is the comparison of how it looked before and after the focus group has told us how to improve it:

To conclude, feedback has helped us a lot in the production of our products as it improved it. Here is a comparison of the first drafts and final versions:

The first draft of a music video:

The final version of the music video:

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